For each of the last two years, there have been about 50 people meeting in these small groups, which are designed to help strengthen our church community, deepen friendships and encourage us each to examine our own faith. We are hoping to build on that again this year.
“A Prayer for the Kingdom” is a series that illustrates and deepens the prayer that Jesus offered his disciples. Our goal is that this deep dive into the Lord’s Prayer will make it vivid and new to us. While the Kingdom of God is intangible, we hope that it becomes more real to each of us this year!!
Roots and Branches groups will meet, mostly in homes, though there will likely be one hybrid group that meets together in person and includes a ‘zoom window’ for those who cannot attend in person. As last year, the groups will meet at a variety of times and locations – day time, evening, mid-week, weekend – so you can sign up for what suits you. Typically, groups meet once every two or three weeks, though individual group schedules are flexible, depending on the needs of their members.
Watch this space! Details and sign ups will be posted in the all-church email after Labor Day. Questions? Please see Jonathan Goodell or Penny Sparrow, or email