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Adult Faith Exploration


The Adult Faith Exploration Ministry helps us grow in faith no matter where we are in our lives, welcoming all with joy and offering programs and events that help to begin or expand our faith journeys.  Our goal is to enhance the educational and spiritual life of adults in our congregation and community. Come explore with us!


Current/Upcoming Programs

Roots and Branches

Consider joining a “Roots and Branches” discussion group at First Congregational Church.  Laughter, the discussion of a passage from sacred Scripture, the chance to know one another in new ways, a possible service project together … these are all dimensions of our Roots and Branches program.

Our groups meet twice a month in a comfortable setting, often a home. Many groups last year rolled up their sleeves for a single service experience as well.  This year the Roots and Branches groups will focus on the questions that Jesus asked.  We think the material is life changing and hope that you will consider being part of our groups…read more and sign up here


Monthly Bible Study

Second Wednesday of the month, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Contact Will Burhans for more information.

Led by Reverend Will Burhans, Lead Pastor, this informal group studies and discusses a different piece of scripture each time, looking at the historical, political, and religious factors. What does ancient scripture have to tell us about ourselves and the world we live in today? We seek to discover what God desires for each individually.


Past Programs

Disagreeing Well Series

In the midst of this tense election season, we must work to meet “the other” as one beloved of God for whom Christ died. Loving our neighbors as ourselves takes practice and disagreeing in ways that honor the dignity of others is a skill to be learned. Toward that end consider joining us for “Disagreeing Well” in the Palmer Room on Mondays in October.…read more and signup 

Mondays with Jesus and Buddha Lent 2024

When the heart is open, we are able to give and receive love freely, heal and transform emotional wounds, and engage with life with a spirit of curiosity and kindness.

How do we cultivate such beautiful states of being? In the Buddhist tradition, there is the teaching on the Four Boundless States — Lovingkindness, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy, and Equanimity. This teaching not only helps us better understand the workings of the heart, but also includes meditations so we can grow into these states intentionally….read more

Soup and Saints 2023

Tuesdays with Jesus Beginning March 8, 2022

White Privelege 2022

Advent Study: “The O Antiphons” 2021

A Study of The Resurrection: 4 Gardens, 3 Trees, 2 Breaths, 1 Love  2021

The Three Abrahamic Religions 2019-2021

Transgender Awareness 2021

Racial Justice:  Talk, Learn, Act 2020

Additional Resources from Past Programs


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