Children & Youth Regular Programming Returns in September
Add to your Calendar, Register, & Volunteer!
Regular programming start dates:
Stepping Stones: September 8
Junior Forum: September 22
Forum/Confirmation: September 22
Elementary students will gather weekly starting Sept 8th at 10:00 AM. Each Sunday, the children will begin in service for Time for the Young and then move with their teachers to Stepping Stones where they will do activities designed to engage Bible stories.
Maggie and an amazing group of volunteers will be leading weekly meetings for middle school students beginning on Sept 22nd. The youth willmeet in the Forum Room for games, activities and discussions on Sunday nights at 5 pm. We’ll continue to focus on community building and community service as we explore different passages from the Bible each week.
Forum will return on Sunday evenings at 7:00 PM starting Sept 22nd. Weekly sessions will be led by Rev. Maeve and our dynamic Forum leaders along with a few special guests. Check the church calendar for youth favorites including the overnight, progressive dinner, ski trip, and mission trip.
Top 5 Reasons to Teach Sunday school
5. It’s an easy way to give back to the church. 4. Kids will start to wave and say hi to you at church. 3. You get to play on Sundays. 2. It can help you reconnect with your faith in a new way. 1. You will be a hero to the kids, parents and ministry team!
We’re looking for a few enthusiastic volunteers to help with our Stepping Stones program on Sunday mornings! If you’re interested in making a difference and sharing your faith with our kids, please contact Maggie today.
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