Home » Community » It’s time to sign up to enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner at the Church!
  • It’s time to sign up to enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner at the Church!

    Thanksgiving day (November 28th) from 12:30pm

    Have you started to think about arrangements for Thanksgiving? Don’t forget the option of joining us at the church for Thanksgiving lunch. You can come on your own, with family (even extended family) or friends. Any combination is welcome. We always have a wonderful range of ages. If you know anyone who will be on their own, please consider inviting them, whether or not you plan to come yourself – they don’t need to be a part of our church community. The event is free, with options to bring a dish only if you wish. Vegetarian options available – but turkey, too! We’d love to have you join us.

    Please sign up here today – but even if you don’t sign up, you will be welcome. And if you’d like to help in some way, please sign up here.

    Questions? Please check in with Penny Sparrow, or call 781 721 0619 and leave a message.