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  • Delivering Joy

    Dear Friends, the Outreach Committee announces our Lenten Outreach “Delivering Joy” as a chance to strengthen connections within our community, reminding us that God meets us out in the world, living, giving and growing together. We feel the importance of bringing people together more acutely now, as some would seek to divide and isolate us.

    The children, Junior Forum, and Forum will be preparing the main contents of each package together during their regular programming.

    This year we will have two sign-ups;

    The first is where we would like folk to sign up in pairs or as families to visit and meet with friends old and new, as we encourage new connections within our Church family.

    The second sign up is for other folk not able to make visits , to sign-up to gift a lovely cup or mug, with assorted tea as a gift which the children will add to their package.

    From now until February 16th please sign up for one of two options.

    1. To be part of a delivery team, using the sign-up genius link below (DELIVER AND VISIT) We have room for 40 individuals and families to be part of the delivery teams.
    2. Or sign-up below to purchase a lovely or cup mug and tea to add to the package, to be dropped of at church office by February 23rd. (MUGS AND TEA)

    • March 2nd – We will announce pairs for each delivery team and your packages will be ready to pick up from the church. The name, address, and contact information for the person you will be visiting will be provided. church (and the teams can add some goodies!)
    • Deliveries will take place between March 2nd and March 9th, the first week of Lent.

    We hope you will enjoy getting to know new acquaintances and to building new friendships.

    Please SIGN UP HERE. If you would like more information, please speak to or email) Maeve Hammond or Betsy Goodell (betsygoodell@gmail.com).
    We hope this will be a fun and meaningful way to make your own Lenten journey one of kindness, compassion and connection, with much gratitude The Outreach Team.