Home » Giving » Join Us for Stewardship Sunday (October 27, 2024)
  • Join Us for Stewardship Sunday (October 27, 2024)

    This Sunday is the start of our fall Stewardship Campaign as we consider together how we “Open Doors to God’s Realm”. Rev. Jonathan Goodell will be preaching on the Blind Bartimaeus passage in the Gospel of Mark chapter 10 encouraging us to turn our eyes to God’s Kingdom and how we manifest it on earth as it is in heaven. Maggie will invite the children into their own process of giving for the sake of those in need during the Time for the Young and the choir will share a beautiful rendition of the Lord’s Prayer. We hope you’ll join us at 10am in the sanctuary or online.


    Download the Bulletin Here: OOW 10-27-24.docx
