Immigrant Support Alliance (ISA), in cooperation with the Outreach Ministry is looking for volunteers to assist refugees now living in Burlington. Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Boston (CCAB), the refugees’ resettlement agency, is providing the refugees housing at an extended stay hotel. But these people need regular wellness checks to see if their basic needs are being met.
ISA and CCAB are looking for volunteers to form Support Teams to do wellness checks at the hotels to make sure that the clients have enough food, clothing, and other basic needs and to coordinate to bring clients to area food pantries if needed. The check includes seeing if they are healthy or need medical or dental care. Significant needs will be reported to a CCAB case manager. Other needs may be able to be met by other volunteers in our ISA network.
We plan on having two Support Teams of 3-4 people. Each team would support two family units and conduct weekly wellness checks (or more if needed). In general, two members of a team would perform a check together, switching off with the other team members for other visits.
CCAB will provide training for Support Team volunteers. Volunteers also will need to complete a CCAB/ISA form that includes information for a CORI check.
Linda Alexander and Bruce Alexander, long time volunteers with ISA, are planning an information session at church soon. We can also give you more information by email or phone.
Linda Alexander 617-763-0650
Bruce Alexander 617-605-6031
For more information about Immigrant Support Alliance click on the link.