Easter is the most sacred and the most meaningful of all the Christian Holidays. We will hold a traditional and joyful Easter service. Our hymns are familiar yet each year they proclaim Christ’s Resurrection with new enthusiasm. The Sanctuary will be fragrant and beautiful from the Easter flowers. This family service will include a Time […]
Saturday, April 16 at 10 AM, Church Lawn Rain or Shine Children (babies – 5th grade) are invited to come meet the Easter Bunny and hunt for eggs. This event is held entirely outside. Please bring your own basket and gather in the Vine Street parking lot by the Reno Garden. The hunt begins when […]
Stepping Stones and the Forumites are proud to be working together on this year’s Easter Sunday egg hunt! Sign up here for a slot for your family. The egg hunt will be in the nursery playground, and each slot has space for three families! While there will be supervision from volunteers, we ask that you stay and […]
It’s Easter Sunday and Christ is risen… Christ is risen indeed! Welcome to First Congregational Church in Winchester and our Family Easter Service (9am, or whenever you get here!). Click here to find the bulletin for the service Family Easter 9 am and then watch the video below. Join us for prayer, praise and song […]
We will spend Easter this year celebrating Jesus’ resurrection from the safety of our own homes but joining together on the internet at one in Christ’s resurrected Spirit. Your Ministry Team (and many others!) are busily working to put together two services for Easter Sunday, a briefer more Family-Oriented Easter Service at 9 am and a “Traditional” Easter […]