We are just one week away from Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week. On this Fifth Sunday of Lent we stop one more time along Jesus’ route to Jerusalem where his passion will take place and witness a poignant scene as one of his best friends dies. What can we learn from Jesus’ […]
We hope you will join us for the 4th Sunday of Lent either in-person or online. Our guiding scripture will be the parables of Jesus in Luke 15. The choir will be doing a beautiful piece called “When Mary Thro’ the Garden Went”. Maggie will offer another Time for the Young, we will light prayer candles for the petitions and intercessions […]
Today is the ‘anniversary’ of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Just two weeks ago, the massive army arrayed on Ukraine’s border started to move. This week’s scripture reflects that situation a bit with a reference to Pilot as out after Jesus’ life – much like Putin – a strong and powerful man, country, threatening a force which […]
Join us for worship for the first Sunday of Lent and Communion. We’ll be returning to our tradition of coming forward to light prayer candles while we sing “Jesus Remember Me”. For those watching the livestream we will encourage you to write in the YouTube comments, the names and prayers that you are lifting up and candles will […]
Join us live and on zoom this Sunday at 10 am for our communion worship service on this 3rd Sunday of Lent. We are going to do some jamming on the remarkable Psalm 19 and see how it can break us open to God’s presence in a new way. Bring to your worship space some bread and […]
Tuesday, March 9, 2021 6 pm This Tuesday we’ll gather for our 3rd session and read the third chapter of “Trouble the Water” which leads us into a consideration of why white people and specifically white Christians and the church have work to do to address racial injustice in our society. We’ll listen and discuss while […]
Now we are really into Lent – the second week of the six weeks. In the scripture from Mark, Jesus is just beginning to prepare his disciples for what is coming. He also claims the title Messiah for the first time. Our service will begin with a video of the first lighting of the Steeple since all the […]
Join us once again for our on-line worship service for this First Sunday of Lent. As we entered into Lent last year we were just beginning to hear about the virus and knew little about the wilderness of quarantine that we’d all be facing. This Lent the pandemic continues but vaccinations are beginning to spread […]
Each week, the FCCW Choir will provide a movement of Haydn’s dramatic and moving oratorio, Die sieben letzen Worte des Erlösers am Kreuze (The Seven Last Words of Our Savior on the Cross), Hob.XX:2. Originally composed as an orchestral work in 1786, Haydn subsequently made a string quartet arrangement, solo keyboard version and, finally, an […]
Each Lent we have a series of Tuesday night gatherings that begin with Centering Prayer at 6:30. This year we’ll be praying in Ripley Chapel. Then we’ll adjourn to the Tucker Room for a simple supper of soup and bread. This year we will adopt the practice that many monasteries use. One voice will […]