Health Ministry and wellness events/news
FCCW is hoping to hit the slopes together for a Family Ski Day on Saturday, February 8th. Would you and your family be interested? Please let Maggie ( and Rev. Will ( know if so. We are still working out details of which mountain to shred and we’re open your thoughts. Stay tuned for more information!
Family-to-Family Course March 15, 2025 Saturdays from 9:00 AM-11:30 AM ——- In-Person Class in Winchester, MA The exact location will be provided by the class leaders upon confirmation of the admittance The course provides family caretakers with education about mental health conditions, skills workshops, and information about available resources. The NAMI Family-to-family curriculum includes: Information about mental health conditions and treatments Coping skills, handling crisis and relapse, local and national resources Listening and communication techniques Problem solving, limit setting, self-care Most importantly, the course offers family members the invaluable opportunity of open conversation and mutual support in a stigma-free environment. […]
Continue Reading...The Christmas season is a wonderful time to give back and bring a little warmth and company to our friends and neighbors! A simple way to do this is by delivering dedicated poinsettias/cuetlaxochitl to members of our church. It’s a fun and sweet way for families, parents and children, and all ages to spread Christmas […]
Thursday, Dec 19, 2024 at 7 PM Ripley Chapel (no livestream) The Service of Light, held in Ripley Chapel, is a beautiful reflective ritual of prayer, candle lighting, readings and piano/cello music. The service acknowledges the darkness and difficulty of the season for many and calls forth a Christmas hope that is deeper and more enduring […]
While the Holiday Season can be a truly beautiful time of year with the music, the lights and decorations, plus spending time with family, it can also be really stressful! The Health Ministry would like to remind everyone that it is important to take a moment for yourself during this busy and stressful time of […]
We will socialize, snack, and spiritually prepare ourselves for the season, guided by this year’s theme: the Present of Presence. We will start in the Tucker Room for social hour, and then we will move to the Palmer Room for worship. Please bring: a snack (sweet or savory) to share, a clothing donation (hat, scarf, coat, […]
Orders are due by Wed. Dec. 11 If you would like to donate a chancel Christmas poinsettia as a memorial, or in honor of someone, please fill out this form. You can mail a check to the church office, use Venmo, or PayPal. (Please indicate “Christmas plants” in the memo field). There are special Flower Offering […]
Health Ministry invites you to respond to this survey if you are a caregiver, have experience with caregiving, and/or would like to support caregivers in our midst. Caregivers include parents, grandparents, and loved ones of individuals with chronic health conditions or who are transitioning into the end of their life. Five questions, two minutes to […]
Biblical figure, pillar of prayer, mother of a prophet, and caregiver: Hannah. Her story is at the center of our lectionary readings this Sunday, right in the middle of National Family Caregivers Month in the US. With help from Health Ministry, we will consider the spiritual needs of caregivers in our midst and pray in […]
It’s time to sign up for a Thanksgiving Dinner at the church from 12:30pm on November 28th. We hope you will join us. Have you started to think about arrangements for Thanksgiving? Don’t forget the option of joining us at the church for Thanksgiving lunch. You can come on your own, with family (even extended […]