Today is the ‘anniversary’ of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Just two weeks ago, the massive army arrayed on Ukraine’s border started to move. This week’s scripture reflects that situation a bit with a reference to Pilot as out after Jesus’ life – much like Putin – a strong and powerful man, country, threatening a force which comes from a deeper and more spiritual place. The Good News is that there is a countering force in Jesus which promises to right injustices with the power of love. Quite appropriately, the choir is singing an anthem from the Quaker tradition where peace is always the strongest force even if it takes generations to accomplish it. Worship begins at 10:00 in the Sanctuary – which is now much warmer as we are able to close more windows without putting the choir at risk. The live stream launches at the same time. We hope to see you in person or feel you in spirit.
Tags: lent, Second Sunday in Lent