Thanks to all who provided their plans, hopes and dreams for the coming year, whether by submitting thoughtful annual reports for their ministries or participating in lively table discussions at the annual meeting. All of the input gave the Leadership Team much to think about, and it’s becoming clear that we’re collectively coalescing in one direction.
We’ll be presenting a more fully formed plan for the upcoming program year in the fall, but we wanted to give you a taste of a suggested theme for 2016-17, inspired by this verse: “For Christ is our peace, who has made the two one and destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall that separates us.” (Ephesians 2:14)
We’re talking about breaking down walls —whether literally, to make Ripley Chapel the inspiring, flexible worship space that Jena challenged us to imagine, or figuratively, as we seek to better understand our neighbors and each other. We want to burst out of our four walls, into the community, and break through our own discomfort in putting the “Christ” in Christian.
There will be much more to discuss as these hopes start to come to fruition. The Leadership Team welcomed the Purpose Forum facilitators to our most recent meeting, and in partnership with Carol, Linda and Nick, we developed some ideas to make Purpose Forum a more vital and fulfilling venue to connect with other members, host meaningful discussion, and give shape to these ideas. Let’s look forward to destroying some barriers together over the coming months!