Each Level has a corresponding set of attainable goals. But though the goals for each level are achievable, the people of God must work together towards achieving them. Thus, each time a level is completed, it is rightly a time of congregational celebration – that honors God’s people as stewards and guardians of our community and planet earth.
Though involved in environmentally sound measures previously through Sustainable Winchester, in the Fall of 2017 and with the involvement ecologically minded members, FCC launched a Green Congregation Taskforce. Using the Green Congregational Challenge as a guidepost, the team worked with members of the Facilities Ministry and others to focus on energy minded goals that could be achieved, while lowering cost. To that end, studies and analyses were done to improve the lighting on our campus while working towards lowering costs.
With the buy-in from members of our congregation (while having a lot of fun too), on April 22, 2018, Earth Day Sunday, an Adopt a Light Initiative was held. With the success of this endeavor and other work, FCC was proud to be recognized for achieving Level One of the Green Congregation Challenge.