The First Congregational Church of Winchester, UCC, is embarking on a comprehensive goal to reduce the use of fossil fuels and achieve zero or net zero emissions in the next 10-15 years. To develop an Efficiency & Electrification/Decarbonization and Alternatives Analysis and Recommendations for FCCW’s entire Church building campus, we invite your company to submit a comprehensive proposal.
As a historic congregation and prominent church within the Town of Winchester, FCCW is committed to reducing its carbon footprint AND moving forward as an eco-leader in its community. Recognizing that historic churches such as ours pose energy challenges as well as opportunities AND guided by a moral imperative to do what we can as stewards of the earth, compels us to issue this RFP, “Caring for God’s Good Green Earth.”
This RFP and attachments may be viewed and downloaded from Responses should be submitted following the instructions in this RFP. The proposer is responsible for checking for addenda to this RFP and complying with new or revised requirements that may be stated herein. FCCW reserves the right to amend the RFP before the final proposal submission date. We appreciate you letting us know of your interest in submitting a proposal.
FCCW must receive proposals by Monday, March 20, 2023. We cannot promise to consider late proposals. Questions about the RFP may be submitted on or before March 13, 2023. A site visit may be arranged before the proposal’s due date. This request must be issued to Barry McArdle at one week before the visit.
A printed proposal may also be submitted in addition to one via email to:
Barry McArdle, FCCW’s Decarbonization Taskforce (DTF) Representative
21 Church Street
Winchester, MA 01890
The church reserves the right to cancel any requests for proposals and to reject in whole or in part any proposals when it is deemed in the best interests of the Church to do so.
Yours truly,
Barry R. McArdle, DTF Designated Representative