The Leadership Team opened our latest meeting by practicing some techniques for reading and interpreting Bible verses as prescribed by Martin Luther. It was an excellent way to both reflect on our study of the Reformation, and prepare for discernment around happenings in our church.
Bruce Lauterwasser provided an update about the upcoming kickoff for the fall pledge campaign and preparations for the budget process. He has found a very capable co-chair for the budget committee, Anne Hoenicke, and we look forward to the results of their hard work. Bruce also acknowledged many recent improvements to the church, including painting, signage and a soon-to-be new sound system. Thanks to all of those involved in making our church a more functional and inviting space for all.
We also discussed communication around the upcoming congregational vote to approve new bylaws…see the related article here.
The Purpose Forum has been collaborating with the Leadership Team to determine how to best find leaders and support for popular events in the life of the church. We are pleased that the Health Ministry has agreed to take on the Women’s Advent event, and that a capable team has been assembled to host our annual Bean Supper, which will be getting a modern revamp as a Bean Soup Supper. The Leadership Team has agreed to investigate the possibility of reviving the All-Church Birthday Party as part of the Annual Meeting in May.
Finally, we received an update on fundraising plans for Ripley, and discussed a possible mission statement for the Chapel which will help be a guiding light in determining which events are appropriate for the space. There will be much for the congregation to consider in the coming months about our future as a church, may we each take the time to reflect on where God wants us to head together.