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  • Reno Garden Mother’s Day Offering

    The Leadership Team has generously approved an annual giving event to help fund the ongoing operating costs of the Reno Garden. We deliberately chose Mother’s Day, a time when we honor mothers and mother figures in our lives, often with plants and flowers. From its original organizational concept, the Garden is funded outside the Church’s operating budget. An annual offering will help offset its routine recurring expenses. Look for the colored envelopes in the pews on Mother’s Day if you wish to make a donation.  If you are not in Church on Mother’s Day but still wish to contribute, checks can be sent to the Church office with Reno Garden noted on the check, or use the church Venmo site with a notation for the Garden. We are so grateful for the generous donations last year during our “Circle of Love” Anniversary Celebration. We hope you might consider an annual donation of continued support for the Garden. After church on Mother’s Day, please step out into the garden. Enjoy the early spring flowers and budding trees. Sit on a bench overlooking the water, walk the labyrinth, read the inscriptions on the bricks, and remember those who are interred there.  Enjoy the peace and beauty of the garden.