From Winchester to Nicaragua, Outreach and Health Ministry Committees teamed up to support church member Anna Campbell obtain the needed multivitamins, iron tablets and over-the-counter pain medications required for her international medical mission trip. Anna will enter her second year of nursing at the University of Pennsylvania in the fall, and has an interest in international health.
To the Members of My Winchester Church,
My medical service trip in May to Nicaragua was eye opening. The organization I was working with, Global Brigades, goes into small villages in the countryside and delivers basic healthcare practice to the village’s populations. I had the opportunity to work in the pharmacy and in triage, taking people’s vital signs, in addition to observing a pediatrician, a women’s health physician, and a dentist. It truly was an incredible opportunity that made me thankful for all we have access to here in the US. In the future, I hope to use my experiences in Nicaragua to shape my nursing practice.
I felt supported by my home church especially when Outreach and Health Ministry members helped me obtain funds and medicines for the countryside clinic pharmacies.
Thank you for all your help!
—Anna Campbell