180th Annual Meeting of the First Congregational Church in Winchester
Sunday, May 17th, 2020 After Worship

Yes, we are proceeding with our annual meeting tradition, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. We will be gathering via Zoom on Sunday May 17th, immediately after worship. Please save this date and join in as the meeting requires a quorum of 50 members.
The Leadership Team intends to keep the meeting to its minimum requirements and still convey a sense of constancy and carrying on with the traditions we love and the actions and votes we need to take collectively.
We have three standard Articles on the agenda already (1. Accept Gifts & Bequests, 2. Accept Written and Oral Reports, 3. Vote into office 2 Leadership Team lay members and 3 Officers.) If you have any additional items that you would like the LT to consider for the agenda, please contact,
Sarah Gallop, Moderator ).
Our purpose is to be a Christ-centered, nurturing community;
growing in faith; serving in love; welcoming all with joy
Be well.
Sarah Gallop, Moderator, on behalf of the Leadership Team