Our Stewardship campaign officially closed this past Sunday, and the abounding faith and love of the congregation is palpable as pledges are being returned. See our outstanding progress toward our goals so far:
As of November 20, pledges total $385,596 – 62% of our $615,000 target. This represents 67 pledgers, which is almost halfway to our participation goal of 140. We will keep you posted as these numbers rise!
If you have not yet had the chance to share your pledge – whether a renewal, an increase, or a first-time pledge – we invite you to do so now! You can mail your completed pledge card to the church in care of the Treasurer, Bruce Lauterwasser, or send an email with your confidential pledge amount to brucelauterwasser@gmail.com. You can also put your pledge card in the offering plate on Sunday. We will be following up in the next several weeks to wrap up the campaign before year end.
If you have any questions, please contact any member of the Financial Resources Ministry, Rev. Will or Rev. Judy, or Bruce Lauterwasser, Treasurer.
Thank you for your generous annual giving and participation!
Yours faithfully,
The Financial Resources Ministry
Tom Roche, Chair | tom.roche8@gmail.com | 203-249-6458 |
Doug Clarke | dclarke@riemerlaw.com | 781-729-3612 |
Ben Keeler | bkeeler22@yahoo.com | 781-777-2278 |
Lisa Loughlin | lisa3abp@aol.com | 781-346-1241 |
David Peretti | perettidm@gmail.com | 617-538-7966 |
Kate Sandak | katesandak@gmail.com | 413-348-5844; |
Taylor Tresselt | taylortress@gmail.com | 617-538-1755 |
Jennifer Wilson | jsamswils@aol.com | 781-729-5268 |