Home » Giving » 2020 Stewardship: Practice abounding faith!
  • 2020 Stewardship: Practice abounding faith!

    December 12, 2019

    Pledges continue to roll in – thank you for your generous and faithful giving!

    This week we are hoping to reach the goal of 140 pledge units for this year’s stewardship campaign. Pledging is much more than helping the Budget Committee to project next year’s spending. Pledging commits us to thoughtfully contribute to the well-being of our church. Each year when we fill out a pledge card we are recommitting ourselves to being part of this church community and there is power in the act of commitment. Just like other vows and pledges that we make throughout our lives pledging connects us to other people. Our promise to support the church is just as important as the support itself.

    Here’s where our participation lies so far:

    At 106 pledges, we are about at 75% of our goal. Let’s get there!

    Our Stewardship campaign officially closed this past Sunday, and the abounding faith and love of the congregation is palpable as pledges are being returned. See our outstanding progress toward our goals so far:

    If you have not yet had the chance to share your pledge, please do so now! You can mail your completed pledge card to the church in care of the Treasurer, Bruce Lauterwasser, or send an email with your confidential pledge amount to brucelauterwasser@gmail.com. In particular, if you have never pledged before, please contact Tom Roche or any other member of the Financial Resources Ministry listed below to learn more!

    Thank you for your generous annual giving and participation!

    Yours faithfully,
    The Financial Resources Ministry

    Financial Resources Ministry

    Tom Roche, Chair tom.roche8@gmail.com203-249-6458
    Doug Clarke dclarke@riemerlaw.com781-729-3612
    Ben Keelerbkeeler22@yahoo.com 781-777-2278
    Lisa Loughlin lisa3abp@aol.com781-346-1241
    David Peretti perettidm@gmail.com617-538-7966
    Kate Sandakkatesandak@gmail.com 413-348-5844;
    Taylor Tresselt taylortress@gmail.com 617-538-1755
    Jennifer Wilson jsamswils@aol.com
