As we think about service to others this January, please consider helping these clients of the Refugee Immigration Ministry who are in the process of seeking asylum.
M + 4 (Single mom M and 4 children) from Africa:
C (single woman from Africa): Needs a blender (Ninja brand was mentioned) to help her grind spices for cooking. C got work authorization and works as a home health aide. She recently rented an apartment to share with a roommate and has most items for it except for a blender.
RIM has 12 people/families on the waiting list. Almost all are primarily seeking stable and safe housing. Most of these potential clients are individuals and three are families. The Metro North Cluster could take on another client if we had a housing resource to turn to. One of the neediest is a family of four (mom & dad, 2 children, youngest of which was just born last month). If you have any ideas about a source of housing at very modest cost, please contact us.
Contact Linda Alexander or Bruce Alexander with your questions and your help ideas.