Home » Adult Ed » A Study of The Resurrection: 4 Gardens, 3 Trees, 2 Breaths, 1 Love
  • A Study of The Resurrection: 4 Gardens, 3 Trees, 2 Breaths, 1 Love

    Mondays at 7pm on Zoom starting May 17th

    Tuesdays at 10 am in the Reno Garden starting May 18th


    Join Rev. Will for a Bible study of the Resurrection as together we plumb the depths of this great mystery with the Bible in front of us, our community beside us and the Spirit guiding us. The Monday night zoom sessions and the Tuesday morning in-Garden sessions each week will be the same so you can pick and choose as the 4 weeks proceed. We’ll have two session, skip Memorial Day and end on June 14th and 15th. Please let us know if you will be attending by signing up here….


