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  • Art in August

    Dear lover of art,


    It’s been a long two years since we were last able to celebrate Art in August in Winchester. Finally, we are back! We are celebrating not just the return of this month-long festival of art in the shops of our downtown Cultural District, but also the growing number of cultural opportunities throughout our town – including the Photoville displays that can be seen in multiple locations, the sidewalk photograph “stickers” commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Griffin Museum of Photography, the Photosynthesis program of Winchester High School student work, and new exhibits at Shore Road/Skilling Road bridge, plus musical performances that started with Porchfest in June and will continue this summer on the Common, at the Griffin Museum, at Wright Locke Farm, and elsewhere.


    We are kicking off Art in August with a gala reception to celebrate the arts in Winchester. We hope that you will come, meet the artists, and be inspired by the bright future ahead in our culture-rich town. Wine and light appetizers served.

    Where: The Griffin Museum of Photography
    67 Shore Road, Winchester

    When: Thursday, August 4, 2022
    7–8:30 p.m.

    All are invited, free admission.

    RSVP appreciated, to info@winchesterculturalcouncil.org

    Come meet the artists who are exhibiting in locations throughout the town, the merchants who generously donate space in their shops and windows, state and town leaders, Winchester Cultural Council members and local grant recipients, as well as other town residents and business owners.

    For more information on Art in August, see artinaugust.org and winchesterculturalcouncil.org


    Peter Pulsifer
    Winchester Cultural Council

    781-307-7149 (cell)