This week, the children will be learning all about John the Baptist (and how he ate locusts!) They will also learn all about the baptism of Jesus and what it means to become a child of God. I encourage you to read the story together as a family (and if you need a bible in a different translation, let me know). The story comes from Luke 3:1-18.
Here is a great activity for you to do as a family: Take turns rolling a die. If the number rolled is even, list that many things you love about your family. If it is odd, list that many things that you would like to change for the better in your family. Help each other out—no winners and losers!
Take a moment this week (perhaps a couple of times) and say this prayer together as a family: We give you thanks, God, for your servant John the Baptist. Help us to hear his message to change the things in our lives that need changing so we can be as prepared as possible for Jesus. AMEN.
This week’s lesson is entitled “Jesus Unleashes the Potential of the Least” and it comes from Mark 1:16-20 and Luke 9:1-11. In this lesson, students will discover how to see God’s potential in ordinary circumstances, relationships, and even themselves. They will study Jesus’ calling and sending out of ordinary fishermen as well as a modern-day example of someone who saw potential in the world’s poorest children. Students will practice the art of seeing potential and be challenged to embrace and encourage it in others. So often we forget that each one of us is given gifts and talents from God that we are unaware are gifts. I encourage you to ask your middle school student “What things do you feel you are good at, or enjoy doing?” This will help them to think about how they can use what they are talented with to help others.
We are still looking for a few adults who love Middle School Students to join our teaching team. If you have any interest or know someone who might, please let one of the current teachers know or email
Just as an FYI, we will not have class on January 26th.
This week’s lesson comes from Matthew 15:21-28 and it helps students recognize themselves in the story of the Canaanite woman and her persistent faith. Despite being one of the least in New Testament society by Jewish standards (a Canaanite woman), Jesus responded to her petitions of faith. Whether we feel like we measure up to today’s cultural standards or not, Jesus always welcomes us into his saving love when we reach out in faith. Be sure to ask your High School Student: What makes them feel like they belong in your family? With friends? At youth group? At school?
We are over halfway done with a year long process of confirmation. Please continue to pray for those youth discerning the decision to join the church. Here is a list of the students in the class: Sarah Campbell, Mabel Carpini, Emma Scipione, Jamie Balfanz, Jackson Tresselt, Alex Sansom, Shannon Miranda, Ben Wilson, Henry Wilhoite, Trevor Mahoney, Steven Rozmanith, Whitney Bohne, David Dodge, and Lulu Girotti.
The week of January 21st, the high school students will be taking their midterms. As a way to make sure that they are well fueled, the youth leaders will be making and serving them breakfast on January 22nd starting at 7 am. Any high school or middle school student is welcome to join us. Come by for 10 mins or the whole time. We will also have quiet space available for anyone who wants to cram, I mean study, a little more at the last minute.
January 24th-26th, there are 22 students and 5 adults heading up to Waterville Valley for a weekend of
community building, skiing, ice skating, swimming, firework watching, snack chomping, staying up late, and learning what it means to be the light of the world. Please keep them all in your prayers.