This Sunday, October 30th, our church is receiving recognition from the Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ. Called the Green Congregation Challenge, our church has achieved a significant milestone. As of now, we are recognized as a Level Two Congregation within the wider conference. While this latest Level Two achievement took place over a four-year period, it involved wide participation from varied ministries/teams/staff/officers and task initiatives within our congregation. That your individual and combined efforts bore fruit even during a pandemic, is further testimony to God’s grace.
The co-chair of the Environmental Ministries Team of the Southern New England Conference, Dr. Barbara Darling, will be on hand to commend our church for this remarkable accomplishment, as well as present the award. Afterward, there will be a celebratory coffee hour and cake.
We look forward to seeing you there! And again, congratulations!
for Environmental Justice/Decarbonization Taskforce
For information about the Green Congregation Challenge, please visit this link. |