The Budget Working Group has developed, and the Leadership team has approved, a proposed budget for 2021. Our normal process is to hold two meetings, the first being an open Q&A session where members are invited to hear a presentation on the proposed budget and ask questions, followed one week later by a formal congregational meeting to vote on the proposed budget. Given our pandemic practice of holding Zoom worship on the first Sunday of each month, we plan to use the scheduled February 7 Zoom worship gathering as our opportunity to hold the congregational meeting to vote on the budget. There are 3 documents available for review, namely the actual proposed budget, an exhibit showing the status of our church’s invested funds (restricted and spending funds), and a Talking Points document which attempts to provide context for the budget and invested funds report in addition to a review of our 2020 financial highlights. Please review these documents and feel free to stay on after the February 7 Zoom service to cast your vote on the 2021 budget proposal.