Home » Adult Ed » Descendants of Abraham – Part 3 – Judaism
  • Descendants of Abraham – Part 3 – Judaism

    Sunday April 11, 1 pm

    It seems so long ago that the Adult Faith Exploration Ministry embarked on a series about the three religions that share Abraham as an ancestor – Christianity, Judaism and Islam We started with an introduction to Islam in the spring of 2019 and then held a 4 week study of Christianity in the fall of that same year Wow, that was two years ago. Something called the pandemic intervened and we were unable to hold our usual 11th Hour meeting in the Palmer Room (remember the Palmer Room?!). We finally decided to schedule the third in our series – the oldest of the three, Judaism, following Easter and Passover. Please Save the Date on April 11th at 1:00 pm for a video and conversation on Judaism (more info and link to follow).
