Update from Zoom Meeting — and FCCW Reads June 25, 2020
Thank you to the approximately 40 people who joined our kickoff “Racial Justice: Talk, Learn, Act” session last week. Reverend Judy Arnold spoke about the UCC’s historical role in abolitionism and its continuing role in advancing racial justice, and we offered reflections on resources that we read and watched. We also shared initial ideas on how FCCW can combat racism and protect human dignity. We encourage you to read this summary (link to attachment) of the discussion.
This is just a starting point for this critical conversation, and we look forward to continuing our dialogue. In the meantime, we invite the entire congregation to join in a collective FCCW Reads activity. The recommended book is “How to be an Antiracist” by Ibram X. Kendi. Over the summer, we hope you will read it, think about it, and consider joining in some follow up discussions in the fall. More details to come.
With gratitude,
Adult Faith Exploration Ministry
Karen Roberts (co-chair), Laurie Roby (co-chair), Judy Arnold, Sarah Gallop, Anne Hoenicke, and Andy McKinley
Outreach Ministry
Betsy Goodell (co-chair), Janet Vaughn (co-chair), Laura Bailey, Patricia Brady, Will Burhans, Julia Daggett, Leonore Eforo, Sarah Girotti, Lisa Loughlin, and Lauren Seibold
Tags: racism