In the ashes of Ash Wednesday came the news of another profound tragedy in the form of another school shooting, the 8th of this new year. Since Lent is a time of deepening prayer, especially by way of confession and repentance, may our community of faith not only hold the people of Parkland, Florida in our prayers but also consider what we might do individually or collectively to confront the violence which our public leaders are unable or unwilling to take obvious steps to curb. We are all participants in a system that makes this kind of violence too prevalent. How can we actively – maybe as a Lenten practice this season? – offer ourselves in small or large ways to be a part of the repentance (the change-of-course) that is so clearly needed. “God, uphold and comfort those in the black ash of grief this day. Forgive us our silence and complicity in the ill-health and violence of our country and inspire in us the vision for how we can be agents of change, amen.”
~Peace, Rev. Will for the Ministry Team