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    I play the notes as they are written,

    but it is God who makes the music. (Johann Sebastian Bach)


    Speaking to one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs of the Spirit,

    sing and make music to the Lord from your heart…(Ephesians 5: 19)


    It is hard to believe that summer days are drawing to a close. I am excited to begin my twenty-first year at the church, and I look forward to another year of collaboration with the choir, organist, Jeffrey Mead, soloists, Susan K. Navien and Peter Owens, Carilloneers, Ripley Presents roster, youth, ministerial team and congregation of this vibrant community.


    This year, at a significant time of rebuilding and remembering those who are no longer with us, I want to issue a sincere and open invitation to the whole congregation: you are welcome to JOIN THE SENIOR CHOIR (middle schoolers and up!!). We have three core values:

    • Music as prayer: We work diligently to create beautiful music to glorify God and to edify our sacred time in worship.
    • Music as connection: When the choir sings, a bond is created that intimately knits each member together. We meet once a week to rehearse and once a week to participate in worship. We are transformed by ministering to one another and by praying for each other and the congregation.
    • Music as leadership: we enliven congregational singing. Our hymns are our prayers, and over time, they become a part of our DNA.


    The choir is a place of belonging – a safe “small group” where we share our lives, our prayers, our challenges, and our joys, while working to create music that supports our faith. It is my great privilege to walk the journey with so many of you. We have no attendance rules. No auditions. Just know that you are welcome.

    Thursday evening rehearsals, 7:30 pm, Chancel. Sunday mornings, 9:15 am, Chancel.

    Join us.


    In faith,


    Jane Ring Frank, Minister of Worship and the Arts