As is our tradition, in the summer we worship a little differently. Worship begins at 10:00, after the Summer Bible Study. It is shorter than the usual hour and is less formal. The high point of this worship experience is that the sermon and the music are provided by lay people. This makes worship an opportunity for church members to get to know each other better and to deepen our faith by hearing about the struggles and triumphs of those who share our pews throughout the rest of the year. Our fellowship is held in the back of the Sanctuary. So even those who come thinking they’ll just come to the service find that they are caught up in the friendliness and good cheer and end up staying without even realizing it. This year’s preachers are Judy Arnold, Sarah Gallop, Ken Orth, Ben Pulaski, Laurie Roby, Bruce Lauterwasser, Julianne Zimmermann, Jessica McArdle, Jonathan Goodell, Lisa Loughlin and Rev. Will Burhans.