We’ll be “listening twice as much” as we worship together this week, listening to another story from Jesus meant to challenge our assumptions and question our judgements (Luke 18:9-14), listening to the choir sing a beautiful piece entitled “My Eyes for Beauty Pine”, listening to and remembering the gifts of 2 long-time members – Mike Redding and Rev. Ken Orth – as they take their leave from us, and finally we’ll end the service by listening to the Search Committee share the exciting news of a candidate they are bringing before the congregation. In the midst of it all, surely we’ll hear the still small voice of God and God’s love reverberating through our community.
A Congregational Conversation about the Associate Pastor Search
Please join us on Sunday, October 23rd immediately after worship to hear and discuss exciting news from the Associate Pastor Search Committee!
A presentation about the search process — including a recommendation about a specific candidate — will be shared with the congregation. All are invited to attend and participate in the conversation. The nursery and Stepping Stones classes will be extended in order to allow parents to participate.
The discussion will take place in the sanctuary and will not be live-streamed that morning.
For those who are unable to attend in person or otherwise unavailable on Sunday, we will have a second opportunity for you to hear the presentation on Monday night, October 24th at 7pm.
Here is the zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87060608206?pwd=RjZxK0szV0UxZG4rTkNVSm1iZ1oyUT09
We look forward to telling you about this very positive development!
Dina Pradel for the Associate Pastor Search Committee
Sarah Gallop for the Leadership Team
Rev. Will Burhans