t’s the 5th Sunday of Lent and we’ll be streaming the worship service again from the sanctuary at 10am on Sunday morning. We approach the 5th word of the 7 Last Words of Jesus from the Cross and listen to Jesus’ gutted cry: “I thirst!” How does his thirst meet ours in this season of Lent and these days of contagion?
Again, we invite you to print out or bookmark the bulletin (
Bulletin Sunday March 29 )so you can follow along and sing along with the service. And we invite you to
submit prayers through this LINK to be read aloud by Rev. Judy at the “Prayers of the People” part of the service. You can submit prayers ahead of time or in real time during the 10am hour and bring a candle to your personal worship space to light along with us.
We hope you can join us so that we will all be worshipping together in Spirit once again.