We hope you can join for Earth Communion Sunday. We will have a service honoring God’s creation and our call towards environmental stewardship as Rev. Will offers up the 4th theme in our Reformation series – “Sovereignty of God” or “God and God Alone”. We will find that our Christian commitment to care for the earth is grounded in our being stewards of an earth that is not ours but God’s. The children will have their own chapel service at the beginning of worship and then come back into the “big” sanctuary to join the adults for a whole church communion.
The first Sunday of each month all of the children and youth of our church will worship together in a Chapel Service . During worship together, we will have guest adults inspire the youth with their faith stories or something that they are passionate about. The older youth will help to lead the service. We will begin in the Chapel these weeks instead of heading to the sanctuary first. At the end of their service, the youth will head into the sanctuary and participate with their families in Communion. This is the first week we are doing it. Please make sure your children are dropped off in the Chapel before you head to the service.
Join us for a special worship and communion service. Called Earth Communion Sunday, the intrinsic connection between God’s beloved creation and our summons to safeguard it will be joyously celebrated. Following worship, please join us for an 11th Hour presentation and luncheon in Chidley Hall. Greenovate Leader, Rev. Jessica McArdle and her husband Barry will share with us the outcome of recent research and the opportunities that we as a community are called to. Music will be available along with hands-on activities for children and a time for questions and conversation. Come and join us!