Home » Latest News » Join Us in the Sanctuary or online This Sunday at 10 am (Apr 23, 2023)
  • Join Us in the Sanctuary or online This Sunday at 10 am (Apr 23, 2023)

    On this third Sunday after Easter, we will be reading Psalm 116:1-4,12-19 and Luke 14:7-14 through the theme of invitation. Inspired by the works of Dorothy Day and John O’Donohue, Rev. Maeve will preach on this question: “Who would you invite to the banquet?” Members of our three-person Sabbatical Team, Rev. Jonathan Goodell and Rev. Eileen Morris, will lead our prayers and read Scripture. Special guest Dr. BonnieJean Butler will share her experience of supporting families and individuals affected by violence in Ukraine. We will meet in Chidley Hall after the service for conversation and coffee. During this time, we invite you to write cards to church member Fred Greene as he recovers from illness. Come for nourishment; come for love; come for respite.


    Download the Bulletin Here: 3rd Sunday of Easter 4_23_23