This Sunday, the twenty-seventh, is the first of our summer services. It’s hard to explain them as different, since few of us can claim we know what normal was or if there ever will be another normal. As part of our summer services, we invite lay people to preach. Don’t be intimidated by the Reverend before a preacher’s name. Many sermons that have changed people’s lives have been preached by their fellow parishioners. This Sunday we have our first parishioner preaching. Jessica McArdle will preach on Mark 5:21-43. We will sing a couple of long beloved hymns. The choir never sings in the summer, although we’re hoping that by Fall they will lift us again. After our worship, we offer a Zoom coffee hour for those who stay. On Zoom, we start at 10:00 am or close thereby. We would love to have you join us.
Tags: Mark 5