We are excited to have selected World Central Kitchen as the recipient of our 2022 Just Peace offering. This amazing group focuses on being first to the frontlines, providing meals in response to humanitarian, climate, and community crises and building resilient food systems with locally led solutions. They focus on areas hit by war or disaster and source and hire locally to bring meals and love and hope. We first became aware of them because of their quick and pragmatic response to needs in Ukraine and how quickly they set up eight kitchens on the Ukraine-Poland border. And just this year, they have been all around the world, including Pakistan with the flooding, Jackson MS with the water crisis, and Afghanistan with severe hunger challenges. And surely they will be in Florida after Hurricane Ian as well if they are not already there!
We all know the power of food and a shared meal to nourish body, soul, and spirit. Please join us with a generous Just Peace donation to World Central Kitchen. You can use the enclosed envelope in the mailing to your home, or simply note: JUST PEACE in the memo line of a check or Venmo payment to the church.
Tags: just peace