The Leadership Team is excited to kick off another program year and wow, are there a lot of exciting changes in the air!
Our first order of business was to convene a Worship and Music Arts working group to carry the torch that Jena Roy lit, examining ways to both preserve our worship traditions and discover new and inspiring ways to use our church. Specifically, the group will be looking at the work needed to repair and maintain our glorious Fisk organ and drawing inspiration from the entire congregation to determine the future of Ripley Chapel. We’re confident that the group comprising Rev. Will Burhans, Rev. Judy Arnold, Jane Ring Frank, Bruce Alexander, Carolyn Plosky and Laurie Roby are well placed to carry on Jena’s legacy…they will soon be asking you to give your ideas and support, so please spend some time contemplating in Ripley Chapel and dream big!
We have also been thoughtfully discerning input from the Ministry Team and the table discussions from the Annual Meeting to develop a theme for the church year, which we’ll be unveiling over the coming weeks, inspired by Ephesians 2:14: “For Christ is our peace, who has made two one and destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall that separates us.” You’ll first see this theme in action as the Health Ministry works to break down the stigma of mental illness, starting with their presentation of the documentary “Pack Up Your Sorrows” and continuing throughout the year.
Finally, we are beginning the process of evaluating our new church structure, now that we are one year into it. We’ll be creating an evaluation framework with input from the ministry team, diaconate and Purpose Forum to ensure that we are continuing to fulfill our mission of growing in faith, serving in love and welcoming all with joy!
The next Leadership Team meeting will be held on October 16 after worship. All are welcome to attend and observe, and if you have any items you would like to bring to the group, please reach out to Penny Sparrow.