We would like to invite you this Lent to come together in small groups to enrich and deepen our relationships with one another and with God. Plans are taking shape for a series of (mostly) Tuesday evening meetings during Lent. It is now two years since we met together as a church and we have planned a format in several small groups, rather than one big one. There will even be an option for an online (zoom) group, for those who feel more comfortable that way. Of course, we are watching the progress of the pandemic, and, if necessary, will move all of the meetings to zoom, but we really hope we can gather in person. All our topics focus on ‘Re’ words! This will include things like Reflect, Repent, Revelation, Renew, Re-energize. We are excited to offer the opportunity to talk together, to share our experiences and to encourage and care for each other. Do get this in your calendars for the six Tuesdays from March 8th through April 12th. Most groups will start at 7pm and will be done between 8:15 and 8:30.
We will keep you posted as more details emerge.
If you have any questions about these meetings, please feel free to check in with any of those planning them: Will Burhans, Sarah Gallop, Jonathan Goodell, Laurie Roby, Penny Sparrow, Cindy Wankowicz, Kathleen Zagata