The Leadership Team (LT) is delighted to welcome four new members — Sarah Gallop, David Peretti, Cindy Wankowicz, and Jennifer Wilson. We also said thank you and goodbye to three valued members — Patricia Brady, Dina Patel, and Dick Sayre. Our model of lay individuals rotating through varied terms is serving the LT well as fresh perspectives are brought into the mix each year. We are grateful to all who have served and will serve!
While the composition of the LT membership changes each year, the work of the group is steadily grounded in FCCW’s purpose statement: we are a Christ-centered, nurturing community, growing in faith, serving in love and welcoming all with joy. This declaration provides continuity and guidance for the LT as it provides strategic oversight on behalf of our church community.
The LT enters its 4th year with a newly-approved organizational structure (and accompanying by-laws) that we believe is effective and will promote vibrancy in all areas of our mission. Some highlights of new approaches include “bottoms up” budgeting, lay leadership term limits to encourage broad participation, an online review process for Lead Pastor Will, and the adoption of a new “Safe Church” policy.
Here’s a sampling of overall concepts and specific priorities that the LT will focus on in the coming year:
More than anything else, we will work to support our community’s relationship with God. Our overarching focus is to help our congregation strengthen its collective faith through individual and communal experiences inside and outside of our walls.
And now for the invitation: 1) all are welcome to attend LT meetings and we invite you to participate (the meetings are listed in the church calendar), and 2) we encourage you to suggest items for LT discussion that you feel are important to our church community. The LT represents you — the FCCW congregation.