Preparatory work for starting construction continues so there is not a lot new to report. The Working Group just received two chair samples from a new vendor. These chairs are made by a company that sold chairs to Epiphany last year as part of their chapel renovations. The WG is VERY interested in this option – we’d love to hear your thoughts. The samples will be there on Sunday, February 17, but may not be around for very long. We are also looking at these chairs next to our latest flooring samples to see how these could complement one another.
One of the behind the scenes activities is “clearing the decks”. We need to remove everything from the chapel and the rear stairwell before Seaver Construction arrives. That includes throwing away junk but salvaging any treasures. A recent discovery is two large speaker cabinets located in the “organ loft” above the stairwell. These were used with the electric Allen organ that has been in the chapel since the 1960s. It turns out these may have some value to someone. In one of the cabinets there is a wheel with three large speakers attached that can be turned by an electric motor (shown in the picture). Best guess is that this would cause a kind of tremolo effect. The next challenge is to lower these down from the loft and then see if we find a buyer.