On Friday evening, 2/19, please join us for an all-church Watch Party – where we can, from the safety of our homes, watch the same film together! The watch party format allows us to communicate with chats and comments along the way. We will be viewing artist Willie Baronet’s moving Signs of Humanity, a documentary film that explores interrelated themes of home, homelessness, compassion, and humanity.
How will we watch it together?
This link will bring you to the documentary watch party. (If you click on the link before 7:00 pm on Friday, you will come to a static screen – without any ability to watch the movie). FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS, THE DOCUMENTARY CAN ONLY BE SEEN (IN THE WATCH PARTY) ON A COMPUTER WEB BROWSER. You may also choose to watch the film on Amazon Prime at any time on any device or television.
If you are a member of Amazon Prime, the film is free of charge. If you are not a member of Amazon Prime, you can join the watch party by renting the film for $3.99. I suggest that you have your credit card ready at the time you hit the link. The proceeds will go to Baronet’s organization, We Are All Homeless.
When you enter the Watch Party, you will not be able to start the film yourself. I will welcome you all (in the chat function!) and begin the actual documentary at @ 7:05 p.m. By establishing the Watch Party, I have control over the film (start, pause, stop, rewind, etc… ). My intention is to begin the film without interruption. It is relatively short, @ 62 minutes long. We can all communicate with comments, chat, etc…
Why are we watching Signs of Humanity? On Friday, February 26, 7:00 pm, Ripley Presents will host an interactive Zoom presentation with Artist/Activist Willie Baronet and his project entitled We Are All Homeless. Many thanks to Andy Spiegel for introducing us to Willie and his moving project. Willie will offer his passionate reflections, sharing the stories of people on the streets, interweaving them with themes like purpose, mission, creativity, leadership and the meaning of home.
Ultimately, in late fall 2021, Ripley Presents will host an art installation of Willie Baronet’s homeless signs in Ripley Chapel. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jane Ring Frank.
Tags: homeless