Stewardship Sunday, which marks the beginning of stewardship season, was held on October 23. During these weeks, as you consider making or renewing an annual pledge to the church, please reflect on the myriad of ways in which your financial support supports “God’s grace at work” among us! Please take some time to consider the Narrative Budget mailed to all church families. It shows—through pictures, graphical depictions and, yes, some budget numbers! —how your financial support directly enables our community to live its purpose of being Christ-centered; serving in love; and welcoming all with joy! It also includes some past pledging data that you might find helpful.
We will celebrate Pledge Sunday on November 13. At that time (or sooner, if you’d prefer) we invite you to include your completed pledge card in the day’s offering. You may also mail it to the church in care of Bruce Lauterwasser or send a confidential email with your pledge amount to
Pledging is just one of many aspects of being part of the First Congregational Church. Just as we join in faith through worship, prayer, ministries and missions, pledging is the monetary reflection of support for our church community. Participation in the church through pledging is evidence of God’s grace among us—let’s keep it powerfully at work!
If you have any questions, please contact our ministers, Rev. Will or Rev. Judy, or any member of the Financial Resources Commission!
Yours faithfully,
Tom Roche, Chair
Mike Bailey
Becca Beltz
Doug Clarke
Rich MacNeille
Jennifer Wilson