If the practical really is divine, then the Leadership Team was very close to God this month as we focused on some strategic financial decisions. In December, the Leadership Team gave our treasurer, Bruce Lauterwasser, the direction to attempt to develop a balanced budget for 2017. In presenting a draft version of the budget, Bruce both achieved that aim and delivered some good news on the revenue side of the ledger. The church appears to be on track to meet our pledge goals, with 19 new families pledging this year and pledges up on average. We thanked Bruce and his team for their excellent efforts and voted to approve the draft budget for presentation to the congregation.
In recognition of multiple upcoming targeted projects, including the Fisk Organ restoration, the re-imagining of Ripley Chapel and anticipated steeple repairs, the Leadership Team also came to consensus to build a working group to create a structure for an upcoming capital campaign. They agreed that this should be a relatively low-key campaign, focused only on the Fisk Organ and Ripley Chapel projects.
Finally, after several months of discussing ongoing concerns around the requirements, budgets and staff needed to support our physical facilities, the Leadership Team agreed to support the Facilities Ministry as they look to hire an outside consultant to conduct a needs assessment to frame future plans and rental potential.