Home » Community » The Metro-Boston Association Invests to Proclaim the UCC on the Airwaves
  • The Metro-Boston Association Invests to Proclaim the UCC on the Airwaves

    The MBA Council (Board of Directors for the Association) decided at its December 2 meeting to experiment with collaboratively proclaiming our denomination (the United Church of Christ) in the weeks leading up to Christmas.  Recognizing that, culturally speaking, Christmas still has staying power to draw people to churches, the Council decided on a trial effort of underwriting segments of NPR on the WBUR station (90.9 FM) in the Greater Boston area.  The underwriting statement will be “The United Church of Christ – living the inclusive love and justice of Jesus.  Find a church at U-C-C.O-R-G”


    Listen for the statement on NPR and be prepared to welcome visitors drawn to our churches by this effort, track when this happens and report it to the MBA office so we may evaluate future campaigns.  The Council will discuss the impact at its late January meeting and consider a matching campaign from our churches for future endeavors. ~Rev. Wendy Vander Hart