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  • Tuesdays with Jesus: A Book Read with Soup

    Starting Tuesday, Feb 23, 6-7pm


    This Lent we will continue our tradition of “Tuesdays with Jesus” by reading and discussing a book entitled “Trouble the Water: A Christian Resource for the Work of Racial Justice” while we share soup and bread together. Because we can’t be together in person, here’s how it’ll work this year:


    Each week you will receive an email zoom link from the Adult Faith Exploration Ministry to attend our gathering on the following Tuesday at 6 pm along with a tried and true soup recipe from someone in the congregation. Those who are able are encouraged to make the soup so we can enjoy the same meal together while we read and discuss each week a chapter from the first section of the book.


    Here is the quote from which the title of the book is derived by Rev. Michael-Ray Mathews to give you a taste for the book: “We sang the song ‘Wade in the Water’ outside of the Ferguson Police Dept mindful that the trouble was not ultimately from the police staring us down that afternoon or the broader hegemonic power structure in our world. But God – God’s own self – was the real trouble. The real trouble was the good news of abundant life that disrupts systems of injustice. The real trouble was the power of solidarity with the weakest and most vulnerable. The real trouble was in our commitment to deny ourselves, to risk our own lives and resist Empire. We were troubling the water.”


    You do not need to purchase the book since someone will be reading each chapter aloud but you are welcome to. It is edited by Michael-Ray Mathews, Marie Clare P. Onwubuariri, and Cody J. Sanders. We hope you will join us each Tuesday in Lent starting February 23rd for our dinner and reading together.