As a way of staying conscious and connected to Jesus during the week on our Lenten journeys, we invite you to join us for an evening of prayer, reflection, and dinner together. From 6:30 to 6:50 we will be in the Palmer Room for Centering Prayer (silent meditation) as a way of meeting Christ beyond words, images, and attachments, and then we will gather for soup and a presentation in the Tucker Room where we will listen to how 6 of our fellow community members relate Jesus and their faith to the work they do. These are the presenters and their topics:
Tue. March 7: Bruce Lauterwasser – Jesus and Weapons Manufacturing
Tue. March 21: Malcolm Sparrow – Jesus and Harm Reduction (available by request)
Tue. March 28: Beth Bernhardt – Jesus and Political Engagement
[podbean type=audio-rectangle resource=”episode=rkx42-693395″ skin=11 auto=0 share=1 download=0 height=100 ]
Tue. April 4: Jennie Ryan – Jesus, Justice and the Environmental Movement
[podbean type=audio-rectangle resource=”episode=k3ar6-697308″ skin=11 auto=0 share=1 download=0 height=100 ]
Tue. April 11: David Page – Jesus and the Human Genome Project
Tue. May 16: Deirdre Giblin – Jesus and Welcoming Refugees (available by request)
We hope you can join us and that this series will enrich your Lenten journey this year. Please let us know if childcare is needed and we would be happy to provide!