Juneteenth marks the official end of slavery in the U.S. June 19, 1865, and the recognition of African-American history and heritage. Join the United Church of Christ for moments of remembrance, education, celebration, and calls to action.
In this moment we are witnessing public lynchings and state sanctioned violence against black bodies. Together we must stop the murders of African descendant people! Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd are the latest victims of state sanctioned militarism, and white racists invoking the “Stand Your Ground” law in order to justify lethal gun violence against African Americans.
“We Are Not Ok”
These are more than words. We are not ok is a deeply felt response to the ongoing racism and injustices impacting communities of African descent. There is an urgency to dismantle systems and institutions perpetuating and supporting racists and racism.
The United Church of Christ invites you to register and join the live webinar, Juneteenth 2020: And Still We Rise, Friday, June 19, 2020 at 12 noon until 1:30 pm EDT. Register below and download the program here: UCC Juneteenth 2020 Program
Become part of the movement to protect black lives, and create long-term sustainable movements towards liberation, equity, and healing, and calls to action for repair and reparations.
None of us are free until all of us are free from racism.
June 19, 2020 will kick off a 4-year campaign within the United Church of Christ racial justice ministries.
Register for and join the live webinar, And Still We Rise: Juneteenth 2020 event.
For more information contact Rev. Dr. Velda Love, Lovev@ucc.org.