‘Do you see this woman?’
‘What do you want me to do for you?’
You still have time! We are extending the sign-up period for Roots and Branches,which will return this fall, by popular demand.
Last year five groups, of about ten people each, met in our new Roots and Branches format. These groups are designed to foster friendship, deepen our unique faith experiences and build our church community. Now we are continuing and expanding this program.
Did you know that there are more than 300 questions that Jesus asked, as recorded in our Bible? You will probably know some of them, but maybe there are others you have never noticed. We will be asking ourselves some of these questions as the basis of our new season of Roots and Branches small group discussions. We are excited to think about the possibilities that open up as we think about Jesus’ own questions and consider how the questions, and our responses, are significant in our lives.
Roots and Branches groups will meet mostly in homes, though there will be one on zoom and one that will meet at the church. As last year, they will be at a variety of times and locations – day time, evening, mid-week, weekend – so you can sign up for what suits you. Typically groups meet roughly twice a month, though individual group schedules are flexible, depending on the needs of their members.
Additionally this year we are experimenting with a group immediately after church, roughly once a month, for which there will be no sign-up, but there WILL be childcare. We very much hope that the lighter commitment and the childcare will make it possible for parents with children at home to consider coming (though anyone is welcome to attend). We hope that if you come once, you will want to come again so that this group, too, will develop its own identity. Reverend Will plans to visit this group frequently, though he won’t be the leader.
. You have until October 10th, and after that we will start to finalize the groups. Most groups will have their first meeting the following week.
Please sign up for one of the groups here
Questions? Please see Cindy Wankowicz, Jonathan Goodell or Penny Sparrow, or email pjsparrow2@gmail.com.