As most of you are aware, our church is blessed to have a significant investment portfolio (>$5M), a product of the generosity of former and current members who have either made provision in their will or who have simply given out of a passion for the ministries of our church. The major portion of the portfolio represents our endowment (about $3.5M) while the balance is spread across a number of funds, each of which supports a specific ministry of the church.
In recent months we have drawn upon our facilities-related funds to accomplish a number of important, and in some cases necessary, repairs and improvements to our wonderful church facility. These efforts have included: painting of interior spaces, new signs to make navigating the building easier, a new alarm/entry system, a new water line from the town supply to eliminate the occasional appearance of brown water in our drinking supply lines, and emergency repairs to our sprinkler system and to the gas lines associated with our boiler. Still to come is a new sound system for the sanctuary and railings for our front walk.
Lesser, but still important, expenditures have been made from our Reno Garden Fund (check out the new plantings), our Music Funds (Cantata Sunday), our Flower Fund, and our Scholarship Fund (supporting Lisa Loughlin and Laurie Roby in their seminary studies).
We have also created new funds this year, such as the McIndoe Organ Maintenance Fund and the Peretti Mission Trip Fund, both created by current member families who felt a passion for one of our church’s ministries.
As you admire and experience these improvements to our building and church life, think about where your passion lies and consider making a current gift or leaving a bequest in your will.
As always, I am happy to talk to any member about the structure and uses of our invested funds portfolio. Send me a note or track me down after church.